MaryMac Books

Workshops and Staff Development Days

Mary McGuiness, ITD’s Princiipal, has 25 years experience teaching professionals about personality, and 16 years experience teaching in high schools in Sydney. Mary can design a workshop or a series of training sessions to suit the needs of your staff, school executive, school administrators, school leaders, students or parents. The training, based on the psychological types (personality) theory described by Carl Jung and Isabel Myers, can be held over one or two days, or can be several one or 2 hour sessions. The initial introductory session on personality types will need a minimum of 4 hours.

These workshops can apply personality theory to a variety of topics, including:

Coaching Teachers

Change is difficult, even when we are convinced it’s worth the effort. If we expect teachers to change they need clear explanations or evidence of how the changes will benefit them or their students.  Meaningful change is most likely to occur when coaches take into consideration the differences in teachers’ beliefs, feelings and personalities.

Coaching teachers will usually involve the following:


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